Big Oak Farms, Inc.

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Meningeal Worm Intro, Prevention and Treatment

If not caught in time death is the end result
Early detection is Key

Early detection is Key

White Tail Deer Distribution Map

White Tail Deer Distribution Map

Meningeal Worm Introduction: M-worm is a White Tailed Deer parasite that uses snails as it’s secondary host. Alpacas get infected when they eat those snails or even when they come into contact with the snail trails. Meningeal Worm Prevention: If you live in an area with White Tailed Deer (Please see provided reference map), You will want to put your Alpaca herd on a defined deworming schedule. Your local vet may also be able to help with a worming plan. I say "may" as it has been our experience that unless a vet has received specialized training in Camillids they may not be of much help as they will be "learning as they go"; their medical training will of course assist them, but those in the Alpaca community may be a great resource to you as well. You can buy Ivermectin at Tractor Supply (Although Covid-19 has taken its toll on availability); I have found Valley Vet, and Light Livestock Equipment to be viable sources as well. You will also need needles and syringes to administer the Sub Q dosage. Vector Controls is also an option. #1 Putting up deer proof fencing ( expensive and ruins the view of your herd) #2 Rock and Lime Stone perimeter around your paddocks (less expensive, but not entirely effective) .#3 ducks and guinea hens are great in the battle against snails (great natural option, however they all need to be fed and make a mess themselves). Guinea hens can be quite loud, Muscovy ducks would be a good choice should you prefer this method of vector control. Meningeal Worm Symptoms: M-worm affects the nervous system. #1 Back legs are usually affected first. #2 Difficulty getting up from a sitting position #3 Stiff gait #4 Swaying at the back hips #5 Lying off by themselves away from the rest of the herd Meningeal Worm Treatment: #1 (5) day course of Ivermectin #2 Banamine (anti-inflammatory) and Dexamethasone (anti-inflammatory steroid) injections. #3 (5) day double dose of Safe-Guard which is an oral wormer *doses are based on the weight of the animal You can buy both wormers from Tractor Supply. You will need a prescription from your vet for the Banamine and/or the Dexamethasone. They are used as an anti-inflammatory; which is a side effect of the wormers you will be giving.