Big Oak Farms, Inc.

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Birthing Notes

Big Oak Farms, Inc.
Dams should gain 25lbs over their pregnancy. Some have gained on a rare occasion as much as 40lbs. Birthing Labor Stages STAGE 1 - Pre-Birth a. Different Posture b. Increase in the amount of "Humming", They will also look directly at you while "Humming" c. Prolonged standing over manure piles d. Distancing from other herd members e. Holding Tail in odd manner f. Acting like their grazing but not actually grazing g. Her teats will change in size from the size of an erasure to the size of an index finger. h. Wipe down her teats with a warm cloth and clear the wax plug that may formed in the opening i. Remember to get a halter on mom early on in Stage 1. This will allow you to lead her around as needed j. Once the Cria is born, her attention will singularly turn to the Cria, and she will not want you messing with her k. From the visual sign of the nose protruding, you should have a Cria on the ground in 30 minutes l. If longer than 30 minutes, intervention is needed. * Note: Birthing Area: I will typically pre-pare a clean dry area in a stall in the barn with lots of straw, and give them access to this area when I feel they are getting close. Typically, you would be surprised how the Dams will make a bee-line for this area when they are getting close. They will have a natural instinct to seek such a place out. The key to a good birthing area. Clean, Quiet and Cool. Away from the herd but close enough that she can see and hear them. Additionally, the expectant dam needs to be left alone from the rest of the herd. This is why I like to prepare an area for them in the barn or behind a gate that can be closed off just incase you have a nosy aunt that wants to continue to disrupt the process. STAGE 2 - Birthing now Complete a. Cria gasping for breath b. Within seconds the Cria's toungue should be pink c. Shivering is normal. But always keep a watchful eye on outside temps, as well as Cria's body temp d. Wipe nose mouth area clean e. Towel Dry Cria f. Place Cria on dry towels/straw and back away 20-30'. Let the mother baby bond happen. g. During the above bonding stage they should "Cluck" to one another. Only mother and baby will do this. STAGE 3 - After Birth of the Placenta a. The placenta is "Birthed" within the hour or a few hours after birth. b. Do not "Tug or Pull" on the Placenta as it is attached to the Uterus and can cause internal hemorrhaging c. The Dam may leave the Cria to "Birth" the Placenta this is normal behavior d. There should be no active flow of blood from the birth canal. * Note: EASY RULE of 3 1. 1 hour for Cria to Stand 2. 2 hours for the Cria to begin to nurse 3. 3 hours for the placenta to be delivered